Items not being made visible to shoppers on my booth

I just opened a booth tonite and have entered approx. 10 items. I checked my booth to see what it looked like and there was a message on top saying “items ready to sale but not visible to shoppers please go back to edit page and hit update booth button to make items visible” I have done this several times and items are still not showing up to shoppers. Is this something I did wrong or is it a delay because it is a new booth or what?? If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know before I really get frustrated lol.
Steve Eicholtz

asked over 7 years ago

1 Comment

MomentsInThyme says: October 27, 2016

23 items have appeared Cheers!

3 Answers

Hi Steve (EicholtzOutlet)
All new sellers get frustrated, but it’s going to be alright. So you entered your ten items, now your waiting to see all populate to your booth. This process should happen over night, so kick back, relax and by tomorrow see if your items have come through.
All your uploads go through google to be approved or denied. If approved, you will see them in your booth, if denied you might notice an item missing and there is an area here on your account to look the item up to see what you need to do to correct it. But first, go to google and do a search to see if you see your item listed. If it’s not on the search list it’s not in your booth then you can refer to the list on your account to make the necessary corrections to meet google rules. So let’s wait until tomorrow and see if all ten listings came through for you.

Hope this helps for now.

Good luck,


answered over 7 years ago


EicholtzOutlet says: October 28, 2016

Thanks for your help. It all seems to be working good now.

MomentsInThyme says: October 28, 2016

Good to hear!

I still don’t see the items in EicholtzOutlet’ booth…

[URL removed]
“All your uploads go through google to be approved or denied.”

Surely goooooooogle doesn’t have to approve them to be visible on Bonanza (just on their shopping)?

answered over 7 years ago


BargainHunterCrafts says: October 27, 2016

I checked EicholtzOutlset’s booth and there are 24 items appearing in it.

misskeech says: October 27, 2016

There are now 35 items showing. MomentsInThyme was correct, just had to wait a bit for them to show up :)

Go to Selling Dashboard and then to Add or Edit Items. If your items have a yellow dot instead of a green one, you may need to add things like item traits, shipping information.
Not sure if this applies to your situation, but I imported my listings and had to edit each one and add information for it to be visible to buyers.
Hope this helps.

answered over 7 years ago

1 Comment

EicholtzOutlet says: October 28, 2016

Thanks for your help. It all seems to be working good now.

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