Life Magazine  March 1, 1963



Here is Vol 54 #9 --- March 1, 1963, LIFE MAGAZINE; Editor: Edward K. Thompson / Published by Time Inc.; Cover -- Fearsome Fascinating World of Snakes; Contents: Editorials, Momentary Millionaire -- Special Report by Stanley Karnow, LIFE Guide -- Spring freshet of good books. Swamp buggy rides, kite flying, Letters to the Editor, War Watch in the Arctic -- As Canada debates defense commitment, our sentinels guard against Russian attack on a forbidding terrain. photos and text by Carl Mydens, Bravo Betancourt! -- Despite Communist piracy aimed at embarrassing him, Venezuela's pro-US president comes calling, and the Yanqui's love him, Panorama of Events, The Case for De Gaulle -- The French President ignores an assassination plot and his allies' anger to press for objectives he considers valid, by Gene Farmer, Strange World of Snakes -- In extrordinary color photographs by Nina Leen, the reptiles live, grow, shed their skins, spit venom and eat each other. And why are we so afraid of snakes?, Track Masters Magic -- American pupils of the great Mihaly Igloi slaughter distance records, photos by Arthur Rickerby, $40,000 A Word -- That is what the title of 'Sex and the Single Girl' gets for its author, Helen Brown, by Shana Alexander, Tax Man With A Punch -- Mortimer Caplin, Internal Revenue chief, goes after the expense account, Socko US Fashion Pair -- New collections put Galanos and Norellon a par with any designer in the world, Miscellany; PLUS - classic full page advertisements for companies and products including: Kellogg's, Marlboro, Chevrolet, Texaco, Campbell's Soup, Mercury Monterey, GoodYear; along with many, many more --