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I am offering an vintage Ethiopian lion 5 cents Nickel Brass coin # 44.

Ethiopia underwent a revolution in 1974, with a military council (the Derg) deposing King Haile Selassie. He died the following year. The country was reformed as the People's Democratic Republic with Major Mengistu Haile Mariam as leader. The Soviet Union and Cuba replaced the western powers as Ethiopia's primary allies. The country underwent years of insurrection and famine until the collapse of the Mengistu regime in 1991 to counter-revolutionary forces.

Despite radical changes in government structure, Ethiopia continued with currency denominated in cents and birr, even continuing with the image of a lion (albeit modified from the older lion of Judah) on the coinage.

OBVERSE: lion head, modified design, whiskers over central date character.

REVERSE: features a farmer.

Edge: Smooth.

Measurement: 20 mm or 13/16?? in diameter.

Weight: 3.0 grams.

Condition: Extra Fine, see photos.

As a coin collector I DO NOT clean any of my coins to preserve the original patina, if you wish to clean the coin/s I will leave it up to you.

I??m willing to drill a hole in the coin with NO extra cost if you needed for Jewelry Making.

The coin you see in the photo is the coin you get.

Fantastic for your jewelry, craft projects, Steampunk, collage art projects or just a great addition to your antique coins collection.

Please check my third shop on Etsy dedicated to old and vintage pins, badges and more please make sure you visit my other shop treasurepath.
