The Time Machine & The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, performed by Patrick Horgan and published by Decklin's Domain under license from Worldtainment / Voice Factory International.

The Time Machine

As the Time Traveller goes forth, he learns that the Earth he once knew is no longer the happy place it once was. What has turned it into this frightening place and what can be done about it? Can the Time Traveller make the Earth better before it is too late or is it too late already? Find out in this timeless classic by H.G. Wells. As with many of the H.G. Wells novels there are movies .... try the 1960 film by George Pal!

The War of the Worlds

Although this famous story was originally set in London, England, Orson Welles' infamous radio broadcast relocated the tale of an unexpected invasion from Mars to upstate New York. Broadcast as if a genuine news story was breaking during a broadcast of dance music, many listeners believed the events being described were true and a minor panic ensued.

The tale has had many adaptations, there is of course a classic movie and a dual album CD with music and a narration by Richard Burton is periodically re-released and always sells out!

Classic literature on mp3 recorded onto a data CD which can be read by most PCs and Laptops to allow transfer to a portable player of your choice. Licensed for personal use only.