1) The FIRST SPELL the coven will cast for you is a spell called

 "Verses of Venus", a spell derived from Ancient Medieval Magick and secretly passed down and guarded for generations. As Albina says, Venus, also known as the Greek Goddess Aphrodite in Greek Mythology, was the Goddess of Love. However, she was also legendary for her power of inspiration, heightened senses and transformation!! A Magickal imbued with this spell will grant the bearer:
*The attraction of fiery, passionate love *Romance *Enhanced senses (drinking in all of life's pleasures- heightened passion, taste, touch and feelings) *Increased "feminine" strengths and instincts- enhanced "gut" feelings * Transforming the average or ordinary into the extraordinary and amazing! *and finally granting the bearer the "activation" of Venus' OWN personal Blessings and Assistance!
Albina says that what is unique about this Magickal, is that in addition to the already POTENT strengths one will be granted, one may request a favor by asking Venus to assist in a sepcific area of one's life!! She explains that what is unique about this piece is that one may simply concentrate on a desired "goal" such as:
*Improved Love life *Influence and power *Fertility and a healthy pregnancy *Harmony and Balance *Answers to the "mysteries of the Heart" *Transformation of routine or physical appearance *Rekindle Lost Love *Inspiration of the Creative process *Enhanced attraction * and more...

"Taking Flight". This spell actually calls upon the Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is often depicted with her wings outstretched to grant the bearer one's "fullness" of power, beauty & glory!! Albina says that this spell will allow the bearer to "stretch out one's own wings as they gain the power of this potent Magick and begin to "take Flight" on one's own! There are three elements of this spell:
1) The Goddess' Gift - Albina says that in this element Isis will grant the bearer the gift of enchantment in which one will gain a great deal of charm and influence that seems to attract the attention of others ( although this will not work against their will and will instead greatly 'catch' their attention). She adds that one will also be granted "Extreme Blessings" such as the ability to "read" people through advanced insight, an enhanced power that creates a shining radiance of light that emanates from the bearer as well as an increase in one's mental and physical strengths!
2) The Gift of Beauty- Albina says that this element will grant one "great inner and outer beauty" as the Goddess Isis bestows some of her gifts upon the bearer. Isis was well known for her iconic beauty, and as the bearer gains the power of this element one's beauty will "shine forth and illuminate one with the power of a million stars!" Albina adds that one will notice that one receives many compliments as others around one begin to notice this immense enhancement in one's greater sense of inner "beauties such as strengths, talents, and one accesses inner power. She also says that one's "outer beauty" will become more defined as one's features are dramatically enhanced and one's greatest physical features become more defined!
3) Divine Glory- In this potent spell's final element, Albina says that Isis will grant the bearer "the gift of Flight" as one gains enough strength to "stretch one's own wings" and one begins to "ascend to great heights" that allow one to reach goals with greater ease, and one gains a vantage point that allows one to "see everything clearly and without interference". She explains that this alone will allow one to gain powerful "sight" that will allow one to excel and also "raise others up" and improve their lives as well! She says one will gain a greater understanding and abilities via psychic journeys, signs and dream visitations that grant one even more dramatic and life changing abilities!! She notes that "many have remarked that this element of the spell has caused them to feel as if they have almost physically been lifted up and they carry themselves with a lightness and strength that they have not previously experienced!!
 3) The 3RD SPELL IS CALLED "Triumphant Beauty & Love".  Albina says that this spell will bring forth one's "spiritual being of light" and this will result in enhancing both one's inner as well as outer beauty as well as enhancing one's attractiveness to others!  She adds that with this form of Magick one will also achieve a healthy physical weight, balance within self & environment, healing, unconditional love,  spiritual guidance and higher meditation  as well!! She says that this long held and practiced spell has 3 elements:

1) The Shining Beauty-  This element of the spell will attract energies that promote as Albina says " balance, healing and communication", all of which effect how one is perceived by those around one as well as how one "views" oneself!  She says the bearer can expect to;  "speak eloquently with an ease of communication as well as absorbing information with the same ease, accept others as well as oneself without judgment, gain a spiritual and physical balance that promotes healthy mental states as well as physical weight, and finally one will find they 'heal' at an accelerated rate both mentally and physically when 'injured' either emotionally of physically."  All of these strengths will grant the bearer a noticeable "beauty" that will actually effect one's appearance as if the bearer is exuding a constant warmth and light that others are drawn towards!

2) Hidden Beauty- Albina says that this element of the spell will  help one to accept "truths" about oneself, such as the fact that one IS a true being of light by erasing any feelings of "guilt, or being unloved and unaccepted".  She says that one will solidify the acceptance of unconditional love for oneself as well as others during this phase of the spell!  She adds that this element also awakens the finer, inner self, clears blockages, and stimulates activity where one was "inactive". She also says that past pain and feelings of inferiority are banished with this element as well!!  She says that one will notice an increase in one's "attractiveness" as people become more and more interested in one during this element and she notes that many have found " true love" as a result of this element!!!

3) The Beauty Around Us-  Albina says that this element helps the bearer to gain "higher" spiritual guidance now that the bearer has "cleared blockages and accepted and brought forth one's being of light".  She says that as a result of the first two elements, the bearer will be able to receive guidance as well as deeper and more detailed meditative experiences to enrich and achieve higher power!!  She adds that one will also find that one will want to "share" this information with others and that others feel "drawn" towards one's "open" energies!  She notes that this element will completely "open the bearer to all of the beauty around one and all those within and just entering one's life".  In the end, she says one will find they are experiencing "deeper more loving relations, and higher communications without blocks or interference".

  4)The FOURTH SPELL IS spell called "Best Reflection" and she says that "this is a form of Magick that has granted the ability to "feel amazing about one's appearance! Thus, granting one the ability to face the world with confidence and many renewed strengths!" This invigorating spell has been handed down through many generations to allow one to look and feel one's best by promoting anti-aging,a healthy weight, glowing skin, "bright" eyes, lusterous, thick hair, a smoother complexion and bringing forth one's "best features while diminishing one's weaker traits!  She even suggests that Alexandria herself kept this very spell "close to her heart" and it was the secret of her perpetual "beauty". She went on to explain that this spell will "definitely impress even the harshest critics and non-believers to the wonders of Magick!"  She says that this spell has three main elements:

1) That Mirror Smiles Back: This first element will draw in the energies that promote"cellular regeneration" by utilizing the high level of energies that are attracted to one to "restore, revitalize and renew" one's skin, hair and eyes!  Albina says that the bearer can explect to soon notice " smoother, more youthful skin that 'glows" with vitality" and one will be able to see a more polished and clear comp[lexion within a matter of weeks!" She adds that the energies also produce "thicker fuller hair growth" over the next few months when this Magickal is either worn or carried as well! Finally, one will also find that one's eyes become "brighter", with the color of one's eyes actually becoming more evident as well as one's eyesight improving and becoming "sharper" as the energies begin to restore a more youthful regeneration of appearance and ability to one's sight!

2) A Gown of Stars: The Second element of this spell will draw in the energies that assist in "bringing health and one's weight" back into balance and "for the benefit of one's health" Albina explains that the energies that this element draws in will assist in "centering one's appetite and the choices of food ones craves" while at the same time stimulating physical activities that promote a healthy weight for the bearer!! Albina says that many who have aquired such a Magickal have reported "great satisfaction" with one's bodily appearance as well as higher levels of endurance and strength as a result of this spell!! She adds that one will also receive the added benefits of the many "brightening energies" bringing forth one's best traits while diminishing one's weaker traits allowing for one's best attributes to "shine and be seen by all!"

3) Reflecting My Youth: With this final element, the bearer will find that the energies that are drawn in "preserve and maintain" one's newfound "features" by drawing in vast levels of long guarded ancient energies that promote in Albina's words,"a higher form of impermeable cellular strucures and energies that stimulate the renewal of more pristeen and unfettered cells".  In short, one will be granted an increased ability to "fend off damage, degeneration and a laspe in overall health and well being and gain the ability to preserve one's youthful strengths and attributes with very little effort!"  She adds that this will also result in a stronger immune system as well as a greater ability to heal and recover from injuries! In the end, one will "better maintain one's youthful appearance, smoother skin, sharpened eyesight and healthy weight" with this potent element's assistance!

Note:  For legal purposes..Albina does want me to add that this form of Magick should NEVER replace any medical care nor will it eliminate or overcome serious illnesses, disorders or conditions that are presently being treated. One should always consult with a doctor concerning diet, weight loss and check with a physician regarding poor health, illness or skin disorders. This Magickal's assistance should never take the place of Medical care or treatment.

  Albina says that this amazing FULL COVEN  blessing is a virtual "treasure of high BEAUTY and LOVE"  that will "enhance the bearer's ability to reach a higher state of  ATTRACTION AND SATISFACTION!!  She sends her GREAT Blessings and Thanks to all of you!! OUR COVEN HAS THANKS AND HEARTFELT WISHES FOR  ALBINA FOR ALL OF HER TIME AND TALENTS!!



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