Welcome to the Tess Joy Spells And The Mystic Lunar Coventry of the Northeast. Thank you for visiting us. We have been in business on various online marketplaces since 2006, and have garnered over 32,000 positive feedback with an overall score of 99.9% See our client testimonials below! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!


For the careful consideration of the Elite Metaphysical collector, this is a beautifully rustic piece of Metaphysical history; a museum quality relic of extreme historical importance which will anchor your Future in the Abundant Oceans of Aggrandization and Ascendency. Increase the power, status, and wealth of your Magickals to position of dominant power and influence.

This one of a kind vessel belonged to a Powerful man, a Natural Warlock, and High Ranking member of the Knights Templar – an Illuminated Master of Alchemy, highly regarded throughout the Brotherhood for his impeccable work in creating Talismans of Power and Spirit Vessels.

Owned by this Master Warlock of the Knights Templar for 75 years, this is his personal Antique Authentic Energy House Box – used in the Creation of every Talisman, every Spirit Vessel, Drenched in almost a Century’s worth of imprinted Energies of Elite Templar Magick, it contains Power Immense and Infinite, Power that will rapidly change your daily life forever.

This extraordinary metaphysical masterpiece dramatically increases the energy and power of any Talisman or spirit vessel placed within it, and automatically replenishes and fulfills any and all necessary energetic deficiencies, and multiplies existing energies, be it by energizing, activating, charging, amplifying, infusing, or otherwise.

A Masterfully created Metaphysical Tool that he used religiously, daily, this was his most Treasured, most Important, Valued, Sacred, and most Coveted relic – out of all his Metaphysicals, Ancient Vessels and Brotherhood Heirlooms – it was this which captured the literal, energetic essence of his entire life's work.

Spellcast using Ancient Solomonic and Alchemical Rituals of Operations, and Secret Magick known only to the Ancient Mystery Schools, it is with the Power of this exact relic which he used to Create Talismans of Incomprehensible Wealth and Wisdom; he Summoned and Conjured Spirits of extreme Power and profound historical and metaphysical significance, creating Magickals for many of the most powerful men on Earth for three-quarters of a century, such relics that have shaped the modern world that we live in today.

You now have the once in a lifetime chance to have UNLIMITED access to the same deep rooted Ancient Magick that has made men into millionaires, Kings, and legends.

Regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you may be at the moment, this Authentic Knights Templar Master Alchemy Warlock Energy House Box holds an Infinite Wealth of Magick that will help make all the Wishes & Desires you have within your Paranormal & Metaphysical artifacts come true.

To energetically Enhance any Metaphysical relic, simply place it inside the box & keep it inside for 1 day and 1 night and your object will emerge fully Aggrandized – the Magick within each individual relic energetically enhanced, intensified, increased, improved, magnified, amplified according to it’s own unique elements.

The box is very old but is in excellent condition. Feel Free to Display it in your Home, place it on an Altar, on your Dresser or Night Stand, on your Vanity or Shelf, wherever Feels Right for you.

As a Spellcaster Witch and Master Conjurer, Metaphysical Curator and Spiritual Caretaker, I have used this incredible relic countless times over the years and not once have I been disappointed. For as many times as I have used it to Aggrandize Talismans and Spirit Vessels, whether to conjure/cast and bind/infuse or to enhance or charge something that already was created, it has never failed to leave me impressed!

You can use this with more than one item at a time – as many as this Magickal box will hold, if you wish. It will always hold it's power, as it was spellcast so that the more it is used, the more energies it contains.

There isn't anything you must do. There is no ritual for you to perform. You do not have to act, or live differently. All you must do is invite this into your life, and you will see real, legitimate, tangible changes.

Given the rare nature of this item I do ask please for your patience in allowing me to individually answer each question that is presented to me. I am eager to assist you all and promise to give each and every one of you the time you deserve to answer your inquiry. This is a very, very important item and cannot be taken lightly.

This is a ONE OF A KIND Item that will NEVER be re-listed or re-created. A truly remarkable piece of history can be yours today.


I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are what is called a "Coventry", or "Coven", which is a gathering of professional spell casters, psychic mediums, alchemists, magickal practitioners, and collectors of advanced, and elite paranormal curiosities. Each member of our Coven works with their own individual clients, and we all work together, as a Coven, on larger/joint spell casting work, and the creation of the items you see for sale here.

We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. We are what is commonly called "elemental" practitioners of magick. What that means is that we draw energies from naturally occurring sources - Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the cosmos. Never from living things, or other people. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies, and the aforementioned natural sources of energy, to produce your desires.

I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future. We harness those invisible energy sources, combine them in to a "recipe", so to speak, and place them within a physical vessel, which then transports those specific, finite energies, in that specific combination, to your spirit, and life, where the real world results will then follow.

Whether you are viewing one of our expertly created items, or one of our relics the essence of purpose, manifestation, and creation through energy use remains the same. These items are creations that hold very specific, precisely created energies that, once they enter your life will sync to your spirit, and will "go to work" so to speak to create the reality discussed in the listing. These are not just passive novelties, this is very serious, legitimate energy work that can and WILL change your world for the better.