Zone: 5 to 8

Growth Rate: Fast to Moderate

Plant Type: Small deciduous tree
Family: Aceraceae

Native Range: China, Japan and Korea
Height: 10 to 15 feet
Spread: 8 to 15 feet
Shape: Rounded to Irregular

Bloom Time: April

Bloom Color: Red

Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade
Fall Color: Yellow, Orange, Red or Purple

Drought Tolerance: Low

Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low

Site Requirements /Soil Tolerances: Easily grown in moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Grows well in sandy loams. May be grown in full sun in the northern parts of its growing range, but prefers some part afternoon shade in the southern parts of its growing range. New foliage may scorch in full sun locations in hot summers areas, particularly if soils are not kept consistently moist. Mulch helps retain soil moisture and keeps roots cool. Avoid hot and dry sites. Site in locations protected from strong winds.

Culture: Can be grown as single or multi-stemmed small tree. Pruning is best kept to a minimum, but if needed should be done in late fall to mid winter. Spring or summer pruning often results in significant bleeding.

Uses: Japanese Maples are generally grown for their attractive foliage and shape. Specimen/accent or group around the home or yard or periphery of the border or rock garden. Multi-stemmed shrub form is effective in small groupings in shrub borders. Good sun-dappled small understory tree or shrub. Broad-rounded form can be showcased by planting this cultivar near a pond or water garden. Can be effective in large containers. Popular Bonsai.


Sowing Acer japonicum Seeds:

Japanese Maple seeds possess a thick, impermeable seed-coat which prevents or significantly retards germination.

For best results, please follow the instructions in the order provided.

Scarify: Pour Hot water over seed. Soak in water for 24 hours.

Stratify: Cold 90-120 days, 40 Degrees F in a Moist Medium.

Germination: Sow 1/4” Deep