Touran Large White is a perennial flowering hybrid, part of a group George Arends first developed in Germany in the late 1800s. Syngenta introduced the Touran series for its compact growth. This cultivar offers a mounded habit of 4-8" tall and 6-10" wide, with white flowers from late spring through early summer. Touran blooms two to four weeks after Alpino Early varieties, allowing you to extend the Saxifraga season in your greenhouse by growing both series. Perennial and evergreen in zone 4-9, Touran Large White flourishes in full or partial sun with minimal water, bringing lasting color and texture to rock gardens, borders, and mixed containers.
Saxifraga × arendsii, also known as the Hybrid Saxifrage or Mossy Saxifrage, is a flowering plant that blooms in late spring or early summer. It is a hardy perennial that is highly valued for its beautiful foliage and showy flowers. The plant is a crossbreed of several saxifrage species, making it a unique and attractive addition to any garden. Saxifrage prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. It is a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate cold temperatures and is often used in rock gardens, as a ground cover, or in container gardens. 
Gardeners love Saxifraga × arendsii for its ability to add color and interest to the garden during the spring and summer months. The thin, wiry stems hold the flowers above the foliage, creating an eye-catching display. Additionally, the plant is attractive to pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making it a great choice for those looking to attract wildlife to their garden.