This listing is for 20 Autumn Olive - Elaeagnus umbellata seeds.

When ripe, the fruit is juicy and edible and also makes a good dried fruit. Though the fruit are small, the tree bears them abundantly. They are sweet and tart-tasting, with chewable seeds. Their content of the antioxidant lycopene is some seventeen times higher than that of tomatoes. - Google.

As a Botanist, I find it strangely ironic that Autumn Olive is considered an invasive species and a prohibited noxious weed under the Alberta Weed Control Act of 2010.

ARS nutritionist Beverly A. Clevidence learned about the pigment, she offered to analyze the berries for carotenoids, especially lycopene the pigment that colors tomatoes red. We were astounded at what we found, says Fordham, who is with the ARS Fruit Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. Ounce for ounce, the typical autumn olive berry is up to 17 times higher in lycopene than the typical raw tomato. Lycopene has generated widespread interest as a possible deterrent to heart disease and cancers of the prostate, cervix, and gastrointestinal tract, says Clevidence, who heads ARS' Phytonutrients Laboratory in Beltsville. This health-giving pigment is also found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, and guava. But 80 to 90 percent of the U.S. intake comes from tomatoes and tomato products. - USDA Website

A website covering research for prostate cancer notes The berries also contain high levels of vitamins A, C and E, and flavonoids and essential fatty acids.

Consumers are used to spending money on what is promoted, while this free and abundant treasure goes almost unnoticed.

At Sugar Creek Farm, where we took a class last spring, farmer Joe Allawos has experimented with the benefits of the nitrogen fixing capacity of autumn olive trees by planting fruit and nut trees next to autumn olive trees, and at the same time planting the same variety of tree in a spot away from any autumn olive trees. The trees planted next to the autumn olives grew much faster and when we saw them were about 50% larger than the ones planted away from the autumn olives.

For anyone who knows about the Olive Oil Scandal in the USA and global marketplace, there are Few Natural Foods that produce Oleic Acid. Here is one bush that does.

Seems a shame to tag such a sweet fruitful and healthy bush as villain - When we Love the Berries so.
My Kids think they are Candy that grows on trees. The seeds are Chewy and full of cancer fighting oils and nutrients.
Autumn olive is capable of fixing nitrogen in its roots, it can grow on bare mineral substrates and help other trees.

We make Jelly, Wine, and eat them frozen till they are gone.

We think you will enjoy this precious berry too.

Thanks for looking!