3 VINTAGE HALL CHINA ORANGE 9" DINNER PLATES The plates are in good condition with no chips or cracks. The platinum trim is in good condition on 2 and one shows wear. Great old salad bowl that has definitely been in service. The decals are strong on all plates. Crazing is noted throughout on all plates with discoloration noted into the razing on one. (See photos).  This is a problem seen frequently in the Orange Poppy dinnerware line. A nice addition to an Orange Poppy or Hall China collection or put it back in service. The Orange Poppy line is a decal dinnerware line introduced by Hall in 1933 and produced through the 1950's. It was used as a premium for the Great American Tea Company. The pattern consists of lovely orange poppies surrounded by small blue flowers with green leaves on a cream colored pieces trimmed in platinum.