This listing is for beautiful Goldstone Ring,  that you see in this photos.
 Goldstone is 1.5 x 1.8 cm. You will love it.

"Goldstone Healing Properties

Orange and Blue Goldstone Gemstone: Vitality, Drive, Ambition

Goldstone is actually a man-made stone. Its sparkle is due to flecks of copper.

Chakras - (gold) Sacral Chakra, (blue) Throat Chakra
Typical colours - gold or blue with golden sparkles

Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality.

Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation. "