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William Tufnell Le Queux[a] (2 July 1864 - 13 October 1927) was an Anglo-French journalist and writer. He was also a diplomat (honorary consul for San Marino), a traveller (in Europe, the Balkans and North Africa), a flying buff who officiated at the first British air meeting at Doncaster in 1909, and a wireless pioneer who broadcast music from his own station long before radio was generally available; his claims regarding his own abilities and exploits, however, were usually exaggerated. His best-known works are the anti-French and anti-Russian invasion fantasy The Great War in England in 1897 (1894) and the anti-German invasion fantasy The Invasion of 1910 (1906), the latter of which was a phenomenal bestseller.

As We Forgive Them

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • Gilbert Greenwood and Reginald Seton are bachelors who share a flat on Great Russell Street. Neither are especially prosperous but through economies, they manage to live well. One of their hobbies is fox hunting. One night, Greenwood, on returning from a fox hunt finds a man and a young girl alongside the road. The girl appears to be exhausted and Gilbert offers assistance to the couple . Greenwood learns the man's name is Burton Blair and the girl is Mabel, his young daughter. After some food and rest, Blair relates to Greenwood that he is in search of a secret which will make him wealthy beyond his dreams and that he and his daughter have been searching for that secret for years. As the story unfolds, Burton Blair has, evidently, found his secret and become wealthy although he will share the secret with no one, not even Mabel. One day, returning from a trip, Blair is found dead on a train. The doctors believe it to be a natural death but Greenwood and Mabel suspect foul play meant to obtain the secret of his wealth. An unknown individual has been named to execute Blair's will but no one knows why. A mysterious code is discovered, one which may truly be undecipherable. Could this code hide the secret to his riches? Is Mabel completely innocent as she appeared? And Greenwood is warned that Seton may also not be reputable. Once again Le Queux weaves a tangled web of intrigue and mystery. (Summary by Tom Weiss)
  • Genre(s): Crime & Mystery Fiction

The Czar's Spy: The Mystery of a Silent Love

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • A mysterious burgary of the British Consulate at Leghorn, coupled with the even more mysterious visit of an English yacht, leads to a trail of espionage and underground criminal activity that carries to reader to London, to Scotland, and ultimately to Finland, then groaning under the oppression of its imperial Russian masters. Our hero, fortunately, is a man of great perspicacity (half a century later he might have been named Double O Seven), but even he finds his limits tested as he attempts to find the truth. - Summary by Nicholas Clifford
  • Genre(s): Crime & Mystery Fiction

An Eye For An Eye

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • Frank Urwin and Richard Cleugh are two bachelor journalists sharing a flat in London. One evening while chatting, Urwin receives a telegram from a police acquaintance to come to the local police station at once. Urwin visits Inspector Patterson who is greatly agitated. Patterson invites Urwin for a drink and tells him of a strange occurrence at a local house. The two visit the house where they discover a dead young male and attractive young female. For some reason, Patterson is reluctant to report the apparent murders. While at the house, the telephone rings and Urwin answers it. A strange voice asks if the deed has been done? Urwin indicates it has and agrees to meet the caller at St. James’s Park. Urwin finally convinces Patterson to report the crime and a second visit occurs with additional police. This time however, the dead female is not the same person. (Summary by Tom Weiss)
  • Genre(s): Action & Adventure Fiction, Detective Fiction

The Four Faces

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • Michael Berrington is a bachelor leading a quiet life in London. Overhearing a conversation at his club one day, he becomes interested in a discussion regarding a man named Gastrell. Gastrell is somewhat of a mystery to the club members in spite of his renting a house from one of them. Berrington’s interest in Gastrell intensifies as his fiancé, Dulcie Challoner, befriends a wealthy widow, Mrs. Connie Stapleton who evidently has some type of relationship with Gastrell. As the plot progresses, Berrington finds himself involved with sensational robberies, brutal murders, coded messages, and even mind control! As in many Le Queux books, there are twists and turns as new characters and locations are introduced. When you are sure you know the ending, something new occurs and you wonder how it will affect the conclusion of the book. (Introduction by Tom Weiss)
  • Genre(s): Crime & Mystery Fiction, General Fiction, Suspense, Espionage, Political & Thrillers

The Great White Queen

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • How to describe this book? In a word – savage. For those regular Librivox Le Queux mystery listeners, this book is a step in a different direction by the author. The book starts out like most Le Queux. Our hero, Richard Scarsmere, befriends an individual (Omar) at an English boarding school who turns out to be an African prince from a kingdom called Mo. Omar receives a visit from one of his mother’s trusted advisers. His mother, the Great White Queen, seeks him to return home immediately. Omar convinces Scarsmere to return to Africa with him since there is little opportunity awaiting him in London. What follows is a tale of deceit, treachery, barbarity, and mystery. (Summary by Tom Weiss)
  • Genre(s): Action & Adventure Fiction, General Fiction, Detective Fiction
  • Language: English

The House of Whispers

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • This is a story about a young lady and her blind father who live in a House of Whispers. "There is a legend that those who hear the whispers die quickly and suddenly." Story written by William Le Queux in 1910. Le Queux mainly wrote in the genres of thriller, espionage, mystery. (Summary by April6090)
  • Genre(s): Suspense, Espionage, Political & Thrillers

Hushed Up! A Mystery of London

  • William LE QUEUX (1864 - 1927)
  • A young man, Owen Biddulph, is drawn to a beautiful young woman with a mysterious past... a past that seems to have returned to cause her disappearance! Is she his new found love or his nemesis? And who is this mysterious clergyman that warns him to avoid this young woman, at risk of his very life! What possible harm could this sweet young woman inflict? Written by one of the Masters of Mystery, William Le Queux. (Introduction by Tom Weiss)
  • Genre(s): General Fiction, Detective Fiction