Acrylic Wool Tartan Piper's Plaid 3-1/2 Yards Pleated 13oz
Fringed on both sides.

90+ Tartans Available In Stock

Tartans Available:

Armstrong, Ball Modern, Black Stewart, Black Watch, Blue Douglas, Broun, Buchanan, Camel Thompson, Cameron of Erracht Modern, Campbell of Argyll, Campbell Old Ancient, Clan Campbell, Clan Cunningham, Clan Macdonald of Clan Ranald, Clan Maciver, Colquhoun, County Waterford, Crockett, Davies, Dress Gordon, Dress Stewart, Dundee, Fraser, Freedom, Galloway Modern, Gordon, Gow, Graham of Mentieth, Grant, Grey Watch, Gunn Modern, Gunn, Halliburton, Hamilton Red, Hannay, Hay Modern, Henderson, Heritage of Ireland, Heritage of Scotland, Hunters of Hunterston, Hunting Stewart, Iron Horse, Keith Modern, Kerr, Lawrie, Lennox Modern, Logan, Lyon, Macdonald Dress, Macdonald, MacDougall, Macfarlane, Macgregor Rob Roy, Macgregor, Macintosh Clan Modern, Mackenzie, Maclarane, Macleod of Harris, Macleod of Lewis, Macmillan, Macpherson, Macqueen, Masonic, Mcculloch Military Reg, Mcculloch Clan, Mcculloch, McShane, Montgomery, Nicholson Modern, Night Watch, Niagara Celtic, O'Donnell, O'Neill, Polaris Military, Pride of Scotland, Ramsey Blue, Ranger, Rankin Modern, Robertson Red, Ronald Red Path, Rose Ancient, Rose Hunting, Royal Stewart, Russell, Saffron, Scott Green, Scott Modern, Scottish National, Sinclair, Solid Green, Solid Black, Tara Murphy, Thompson Dress, Turnbull Hunting, Wallace Hunting, Wallace, Weir Modern, Wolf Ancient