How to make when looking for a product you can see offers from ebay?

How to make when looking for a product you can see offers from ebay? Sometimes you see items from ebay , sometimes you don’t see them and the search only shows items in Bananas . Why and how to make a search and gave a Banana product and ebay ?

asked about 5 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: March 24, 2019

the ebay products are paid ads…what appears is usually based on your previous search history.

3 Answers

You [URL removed] “How to make so that you can see offers from ebay ?”

If you are asking if you can see offers or sales from your eBay account… the answer is NO. Bonanza can do only the following related to [URL removed]

1. Let you import your eBay items into Bonanza.
2. Let you export your Bonanza items to eBay (there is a fee for that if the item sells on eBay)
3. Keep your eBay and Bonanza account synchronized so that the inventory is the same on both if you have a sale on either.

answered about 5 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


kattinsanity says: March 27, 2019

I sell very little here but if something does sell here I always have to go to ebay and end the listing there myself. The ebay listing doesn’t automatically end when the item sells on Bonanza. If it sells on ebay it does end on Bonanza.

tomwayne1 says: March 27, 2019


tomwayne1 says: March 27, 2019


tomwayne1 says: March 27, 2019

Sorry for the multiple comments… broken keyboard. @kattinsanity, if you have imported your eBay items, you CAN set your accounts to automatically synchronize the listings. See the “Import from eBay” page, then switch to “Show more import options”.

not a clear answer . . .need to pay for this ? How to make so that you can see offers from ebay ?

answered about 5 years ago

1 Comment

abigdogmom says: March 25, 2019

As I understand it, you only see items from ebay during search when there is very few of the item listed for sale on Bonanza. You cannot choose to see items listed on ebay as a search option.

Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.
[URL removed] [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered about 5 years ago

Reputation: 34
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Viewed: 1018 times

Asked: about 5 years ago

Latest response: about 5 years ago

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