Up for sale

Aronia melanocarpa - Black chokeberry, 1-2 year old plant, well rooted

Plant will be shipped soil less with roots wrapped in wet media during its dormancy. After it break it's dormancy May - it will be potted in soil and will be shipped in small plastic container with soil. Plant will be trimmed to the size of the shipping box 22 inches if it outgrows it.

Black Chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa care

'Black Chokeberry' is a plant in the Aronia genus with a scientific name of Aronia melanocarpa.

Black Chokecherry is a native of North America that forms a small tree or large shrub. Black Chokecherry has clusters of white flowers that attract butterflies, and astringent black berries that are eaten by birds. Many varieties provide fall color.