No Scent is Sweeter than a Jasmine’s!
Most jasmine are native to the Middle East and Asia, with dozens of varieties. These plants thrive in the warmth and sun, and are well known for their fragrance. With the right care, you can keep these plants indoors as houseplants or have them live in your garden. We carry the Arabian Jasmine, Brazilian Jasmine, Pink Jasmine, Night Blooming Jasmine, Maid of Orleans, Confederate, and Star Jasmine, so there’s plenty to choose from!

Jasmine need full, bright sun, all day if available. They can tolerate some afternoon shade, but make sure your plant gets tons of light. Place them by a bright south facing window where they can get as much exposure as possible. Outside, jasmine don’t do so well in zones under zone 7, so during winter you should transfer them to a pot and bring them inside. Jasmine can’t tolerate temperatures that drop below 40F, and the ideal temperature for them is about 60F to 80F.
Never keep a jasmine’s soil soggy. Let the first one or two inches of the soil go dry before watering. However, don’t let all of the soil run completely dry. You can test the moisture by inserting your finger into the soil to check. You can water them once or more a week, depending on the heat. Let the water soak through the pot until you see water run out the draining holes. Humidity is important- jasmine can be sensitive to the dryness caused by air conditioners and heaters. If the leaves look especially dull then you can mist the plant, or place a water tray underneath it to up the moisture in the air.

Apply a liquid phosphorous and potassium rich fertilizer at the recommended dosage every two to four weeks during the growing season to encourage flourishing blooms. During winter, stop fertilizing and decrease waterings. The plant may lose some leaves and will go dormant, needing less sun this time of year. Jasmine can still bloom during winter if a consistent, cool temperature is maintained around them.

JASMINE PLANT – a small shrub or vine that is widely cultivated for its stunning and sweet-scented flowers. Can also be used as a fragrant ingredient in perfumes and as a jasmine tea. Approximately grows up to 1.6 to 9.8 ft in height. Can be grown indoor or outdoor.
GROWING A JASMINE PLANT – Jasmine’s are easy growing plant that prefers to be in well-drained soil. Regular watering and fertilizing should take place. A full to light shade of sun light is best for Jasmine Plant. If you want to encourage growing abundant Jasmine Flowers, phosphorous will do the blossom development.
TAKING CARE OF JASMINE PLANT - the most common pests for Jasmine species are whiteflies, nematodes and mealybugs. In order to prevent your plant from these destroying insects, you can apply a neem oil to your plants soil and that should aid the insect’s issues.
PRUNING – Depending on your Jasmine Plant variety, if it is a shrub your main goal is to maintain the size or the shape as what you wish it to be. Some are slowly and others are aggressively growing that requires regular trimming. If your Jasmine Plant belongs to vining variety you also need to regularly practice trellis and make sure to secure the weaker vines to assist it in holding on. The excess vines of your Jasmine Plant should be cut off regularly.