Sexy Soft Skin can be yours with THEORY'S Lactic Lotion -New Look Same Great Product

Lactic Acid

Chemical exfoliation is used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as acne, dry skin, dark spots, wrinkles, in-grown hairs, and keratosis. Lactic acid is a slightly larger molecule, so it does not penetrate quite as deep, meaning less irritation. Additionally, lactic acid has been found to stimulate cell turnover and renewal much more quickly than glycolic acid, and at percentages higher than 5%, lactic acid has been found to hydrate and whiten the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid

It is definitely effective in helping to produce healthier, younger looking skin. A low molecular weight hyaluronic acid can penetrate deep into your skin, hydrating cells, restoring collagen and elastin function, and even destroying the free radicals that form from sun, chemical, and pollutant exposure. Hyaluronic acid is actually an excellent antioxidant, and when your serum is capable of reaching the deepest layers of your skin, it can be incredibly effective at reversing damage to your cells.

Benefits of Argan Oil

Reduces Premature Aging, Protects Against Environmental Damage, Anti-Inflammatory, Prevents Stretch Marks, Strengthens Nails, Improves Skin Appearance, Whole-Body Moisturizer, Skin Toner, Exfoliating, Acne, Razor Bumps and Burn, Dry Feet and Heels