Visually inspected by owner: Paperback as pictured, about 20 pages with underlining, legibility not an issue, binding solid. Binding and cover very good. We ship, M-F by 4pm, and Sat. by 12pm, with tracking info. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Healthcare for all, education for all, and welfare for all were preceded and made possible by the theology of salvation for all. Universalism-whether of the Roman Catholic or Arminian variety-perverted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and made possible the modern welfare state. Biblical theology is inegalitarian, and the doctrine of the atonement is the heart of the Biblical message. In this book, Dr. Clark brings an unmatched clarity of thought and expression to a critical Christian doctrine, and his systematic explanation of the atonement of Christ for his people will richly reward the believing reader. Introduction on Method; The Doctrine in Its Simplicity; The Covenant of Redemption; The Covenant of Grace; The Incarnation; The Virgin Birth, The Human Nature of Christ; The Purpose of the Incarnation; Active Obedience; The Covenant of Works; The Vicarious Sacrifice; Expiation; Propitiation; Satisfaction; Federal Headship, Absolute Necessity; Traducianism; The Sovereignty of God; The Extent of the Atonement; Index. Scripture Index. Format: unabridged