✅ Bur oak - Quercus macrocarpa 2 year old, 12-18 inches cut back to 6-10 inches to promote growth. Plant will be sent without soil, roots wrapped in wet media during dormancy (October-May). Sent in container with soil during summer month. if ordered during summer- do not disturb the roots, transplant it when it is dormant. A center of attention at budding and flowering time. Bears a splendid crop of lovely small acorns over the entire tree. zones 3-9.

✅ No spraying necessary. The bur oak is a moderate to large species of oak tree that can grow 18 to 30m (60 to 100’) tall. It grows at a slow pace and can live for over 300 years. In fact, it’s said that a bur oak holds the record for the biggest and oldest tree in Toronto at 35m (115’) tall with a 1.7m (5.5’) wide trunk, and is estimated to be 350 to 400 years old! It lives on the property of a lucky homeowner in the Annex area.

✅ It is a tough species that, once established, it is able to survive drought. Planting a bur oak is only a good idea for homeowners with very large backyards, given the size of the trees. The massive oak grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 3 through 8. Be sure you site the tree with enough room to grow and in a permanent location.

✅ Bur oak information says that these native trees can live up to 300 years. If you do decide to start planting a bur oak, site the tree in full direct sun. Be sure the tree gets at least six hours of unfiltered sunlight every day. 

✅ Your order will arrive in good condition, if any issues occur with the item while it is on the way to you, contact us very same day with describing the issue and attach pictures of the issue so we can see it.