###This item is NEW without the BOX.###

***Already downloaded TWO mp3 files in Elevatoy when shipping***

ELEVATOY is a educational elevator Toy color GOLD + mini USB to download mp3 files 1.95 Mbytes Max. (comes with 2 files downloaded as default)
Lifvator new Brother from mars , Elevatoy !!

*simulates a elevator hall station.

*Up & Down push buttons light Up!.

I Speak 2 MP3 files (max. 1.95 Mbytes) DIY download files from your PC ( elevatoy has a mini USB on the back)
* Does not Included the USB cable

** Ages + 6

*Does not included batteries ( 2 x "AAA" ).

***Already downloaded 2 mp3 files in Elevatoy as default***




Amazon has the movie Lifvator ,search


[ Optional : Touchless-Buttons , ***.TouchLess-Buttons.com ].