Blood pressure is a measurement of the pressure in your arteries during the active and resting phases of each heartbeat. High blood pressure is known as the "silent killer," because it is associated with few acute symptoms.

Hypotension (hypo=low + tension=pressure) and it may be normal for a patient if it is without symptoms but can be of great importance if it is associated with abnormal body function. BPR 2020 will help you normalize high as well as low blood pressure. 


          Here's what terms mean:

Systolic pressure. The first (top) number in a blood pressure reading, this is the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood through your arteries to the rest of your body.


Diastolic pressure. The second (bottom) number in a blood pressure reading, this refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats.

The majority of all people with high blood pressure are "salt sensitive. Other factors that can raise the risk of having essential hypertension include obesity; diabetes; stress; insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; lack of physical activity; and chronic alcohol consumption.

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