Benzoin resin Styrax benzoin Gum Benzoin 100% REAL AYURVEDIC PURE & NATURAL Worldwide Free Shipping 100Gm To 1kg


Latin Name

Styrax benzoin

Also Known As

Styrax Resin, Gum Benzoin, Gum Benjamin


South East Asia

Parts Used

Tree Sap

Traditional Use and Health Benefits

The resin and oil of the Benzoin tree has been cherished throughout history. It was deemed equally important as the more expensive and exotic Frankincense and Myrrh. With a strong, sweet, and balsamic scent, Benzoin was beloved by ancient royalty. It appears on ancient Egyptian papyrus records showing that it was traded across the Red Sea to Asia.

It has a long history of medicinal use as a tonic for skin infections and to provide relief from respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Nowadays it is used in cough lozenges and is a common ingredient in perfumes. Like Frankincense and Myrrh, Benzoin resin has a long history of use as a medicine and incense especially in the East. It is a main ingredient in 'Friar's Balsam', which is used as an expectorant and topical antiseptic.

Benzoin Benefits


Skin Health

Benzoin benefits the skin in many ways. It is antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent. It accelerates the healing of wounds, ulcers and relieves eczema, psoriasis and rashes.

Essential oil of Benzoin is a common ingredient in skin care products. It protects the skin by forming an invisible film which prevents moisture loss, improves elasticity and promotes smooth and supple skin.

It can also be used on an itchy scalp, helping to prevent and treat dandruff and give the hair a glossy shine.

Emotional Balance

Benzoin resin incense can be burned to promote emotional balance, soothe away sadness, grief and anger. With an earthy, balsamic scent and sweet vanilla undertones, It is said to melt away blockages and open up the heart.

Conversely, this beautiful incense is also energising and uplifting, promoting focus and concentration.

Respiratory Health

With natural expectorant properties, Benzoin essential oil can be inhaled to drive out phlegm and provide relief from congestion in the respiratory tract. Its disinfectant properties will also help to draw out bacteria that cause infections such as coughs and colds.

If coughing is keeping you awake at night, a few drops of Benzoin essential oil on your pillow can help you sleep by dampening the cough reflex and helping you relax.

Digestive Health

Massaging a dilution of Benzoin essential oil into the abdomen exerts a powerful carminative effect, helping to eliminate excess gas from the stomach and intestines. It stimulates the production of the gastric juices that are necessary for healthy digestion whilst calming and toning the digestive tract.


WHY TO CHOOSE Indian Real Spices and Herbs :

We at Indian Real Spices and Herbs blend our products by our own. We outsource most of our raw material from local farmers where these are grown locally and naturally with all required organic way.

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Selling herbal items being our traditional family business from last three generations, we also know a bit of medicinal uses of herbs and spices, so we have mixed our blends which are best in taste and same time they are great immune booster and digestive