
The early maturing varieties , about 35 days after the seat ripe melon , plant strong growth potential, disease resistance, fruit setting rate, high round fruit , skin color orange, smooth and shiny , beautiful, orange flesh , flesh thin crisp , sweet and juicy, refreshing flavor . Center sugar content 16-18 %. General fruit weight 2-3 kg , is currently the country to varieties protected open field cultivation .

Growth habits:

Soil: melon on the soil requirements are not strict, but the deep soil, permeability is good, not easy to water sandy loam is the most suitable, melon growth early premature aging phenomenon, sandy soil should be early maturing cultivation; and sticky soil due to early spring temperature Slow down, should be used for late cultivation. Melon suitable for the soil pH5.5-8.0 peracid, alkali of the soil have to be improved after the melon cultivation.

Light: melon hi light, every day to 10-12 hours of light to maintain normal growth and development. So melon cultivation should be selected away from the village and the woods, so as not to shade. Protected to cultivate as much as possible when the use of high transparency, water droplets do not hang plastic film and glass.

Temperature: Melon hi warm heat, very cold. Seed germination temperature of 15-37 ?, early spring field planting should be stable at 15 ? or more, so as to avoid species. Plant growth temperature to 25-30 ? is appropriate, in 14-45 ? can grow. Flowering temperature is best 25 ?, fruit ripening temperature 30 ?. The temperature difference between day and night temperature on the quality of melon a great impact. Large temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to the accumulation of sugar and fruit quality improvement.