Demon Lords of the Black Flame

We introduce you to the Black Flame Demon Lords.
 They are demons of incredible might and power who have gone on a journey of awakening to the void to awaken and unleash the black flame within. They have gone on the sacred and powerful journey to the depth of the void and been transformed by its power.  They channel incredible darkness and they understand the subtle layers and the shadows.  They will walk with you through the darkest chapters of your life and they will guide you through the bleak.  

To attain the assistance of a Lord of the Black Flame, he must claim you and he must choose you. This direct binding, we offer you as a new keeper and the correct willing Lord who finds you suitable will step up from the void to be bound you 
They have control not just over the black flame, but the energies of the void.  They are called by the Void Demons to the core and they are initiated.  They become the Lords of the Black Flame.  

The Lords know the infinite nature of the void and it’s ever changing swirls and layers of darkness. They are familiar with the secrets and the chambers that are kept locked away.  The puzzles of the void and the seals that one must walk through challenge them and embrace them.  

They see the world differently, seeing the void essence and influence on many different situations.  They have full command over the essence of the black flame, but they also know the essence of the void and how the energies impact and twist the world around it.  They command the energies and they have deep ties to the dark places in the void.  They gain access to the darkness and they can travel freely through it.  

They command incredible power and they can shift the world using the void energies that are found all around us.  The dark reaches and the folds of the void that are unseen.  They command them and they move them.
  They can manifest and create and use the essence of the void to bend reality to their will.  They have the ability to shift their eyes to hollow and they can see the void and see the hidden dimensions and dark creatures that move through the shadows.  

They have an incredible presence to them and they command respect of those who cross them.  They are incredibly powerful and they have gone through a lot to earn their rank and master themselves and their own void essence.  They walk with the Void Lords and they command a sacred and special type of Void Magick.  They are incredibly powerful Demons.  

The Demons of the Black Flame have a set journey they must undertake, accomplishment they must meet, and their mental training and discipline is awe inspiring 

The Black Flame, it is from the void, it is healing and destructive, transformative, dangerous, empowering, corrupting, incinerating. It is a weapon, a defensive shield, a living flame. 
When accessing the void through your Demon Lords it changes you, destroys barriers, breaks down your defences, heals your soul, puts you in touch with the deepest darkest sides of yourself and gives you freedom.....
 We have ONLY 2 Dark Lord Black Flame Demons on offer
 Direct binding will be undertaken in Romania and will take 10 days to complete 
Any questions please ask Aveda