All plants are FRESHLY CUT and will be shipped the same day that we cut them.

Vanilla Planifolia Orchid – Your Gateway to Exquisite Flavor and Beauty!

Indulge your senses with the enchanting Vanilla Planifolia Orchid, a captivating addition to your garden that not only boasts stunning beauty but also yields the sought-after vanilla flavor. Native to Mexico and Central America, this orchid species is renowned for its aromatic vanilla beans, making it a unique and rewarding choice for both seasoned gardeners and novices alike.

Planting from Cutting: Embark on the journey of cultivating your own vanilla-scented haven by starting with a Vanilla Planifolia Orchid cutting. Begin by selecting a healthy cutting with at least three nodes. Prepare a well-draining, nutrient-rich soil mix, and plant the cutting about 2 inches deep. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Place the cutting in a warm, filtered light environment, ensuring it receives indirect sunlight. As the orchid takes root and grows, you'll witness the emergence of lush green foliage and, eventually, the iconic vanilla-scented flowers.