CHIOGGIA BEET.  (pronounced kee-OH-gee-uh) A vintage Italian veggie and a very pretty beet to boot. This Italian Heirloom has been popular here in the states since the early 1800s with good reason. Beautiful with a mild, sweet flavor, its vibrant pinkish-red and white striped roots adds a lively spot of color to most any dish. For a beet that tastes as good as it looks this one hits the target. The beet tops can be used raw in salads or cooked like a green, they taste like spinach. Beetroots and tops are loaded with vitamins, minerals. and anti-oxidants. CHIOGGIA is naturally disease resistant. Not real picky about soil PH, drought resistant. Non-Gmo. Organic. Open-pollinated. Non-Hybrid. U.S. Grown seed, mother natures original recipe. About 60 Days.100+ Quality Seeds. Thank You!

Bete vulgaris.

Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 60F+.Fall, soil temp below 80F.

SOW 1/4" deep, 3" apart. Keep moist.

Germination in 7-14 days.

Thin to 6", use thinnings raw in salads.

Medium water. Light organic fertilizer if needed.

60 Days to maturity.