All are fast growing annuals that will bloom from spring through fall. All are great cut flowers. All are known butterfly magnets. Zinnias for example, when you cut the flower from a zinnia, the plant will grow back two more to replace the one. We put this package together with kids and adults in mind. These are all easy to grow, carefree plants that need to be watered once a week if no rain. No pruning, trimming, nothing fancy. Just a lot of flowers, a lot of color with minimum work. This package will easily fill up a 10 x 15 garden with plenty of seeds left over if you want to go bigger. Here's what's included - All are individual seed packs with planting instructions.

300+ California Giant Zinnias Seeds - Mixed Colors. Pic 2. 40" Tall
200+ African Marigolds Seeds - Yellows and Oranges. Pic's 4 & 5. 30" Tall
200+ Dwarf Cosmos Seeds - Mixed colors. Pic's 6 & 7. 24" Tall
100+ Autumn Beauty Sunflower Seeds - Mixed Colors. Pic's 8 & 9. 4-5ft Tall
100+ Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Orange / Red. Pic's 10 & 11. 3-4' Tall
300+ Giant Dahlia Zinnia Mix - Mixed Colors. Pic 12. 40" Tall.