Welcome to the Tess Joy Spells And The Mystic Lunar Coventry of the Northeast. Thank you for visiting us. We have been in business on various online marketplaces since 2006, and have garnered over 34,000 positive feedback with an overall score of 99.9% See our client testimonials below! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!

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Being offered for sale today is a significant piece of history.

This wooden goblet has an amazing past, holding both breathtaking metaphysical power, as well as historical significance.


Now, before I share it's known history I want to emphasize that there is *speculation* amongst some whom have studied the goblet that, at the very least anecdotally, it *could* be associated with what scholars and historians refer to as "The Holy Grail". I am in no position to say, one way or the other. I will speak on it's known history, and it's metaphysical properties.

The Holy Grail is traditionally thought to be the cup that Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to collect Jesus's blood at his crucifixion. From ancient legends to contemporary movies, the Holy Grail has been an object of mystery and fascination for centuries.

This goblet was discovered in/around 46-56 AD outside of an area in Jerusalem known as Solomon's Quarry, somewhere near Caesarea.


It's story goes that it was held as a royal relic initially by a man named Artos. It was transferred by Artos as a brokering tool for land to then ruler Tiberius Claudius Nero in Italy.

In his family vault it remained for an indeterminate number of years. This is where the goblet's history becomes unknown until it resurfaced in/around 1120 AD, and was protected by a man named Hugues de Payens, the creator of the militia order that came to be known as The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon.

The then ruler of Jerusalem, Baldwin II came in to possession of the goblet, this was during the formation of the Knights Templar Order, officially ordained by Pope Innocent II in 1139.


The Knights Templar set up a prosperous network of banks and gained enormous financial influence. Their banking system allowed religious pilgrims to deposit assets in their home countries and withdraw funds in the Holy Land.

The order became known for its austere code of conduct (which included no pointy shoes and no kissing their mothers, rules outlined in “The Rule of the Templars”) and signature style of dress, which featured a white habit emblazoned with a simple red cross.

The Templar Order is also celebrated in the metaphysical world for it's initial influence on the development of magick and alchemy as it is known today. Many argue that without the early scholars and practitioners of energy/magick in the Templar Order, that such practices and powers would simply not exist today.

The goblet's existence from that time in the early to mid 12th century is again a period of unknown. There are stories of the goblet's influence being a large part of the development of the aforementioned power the Templar Order possessed. Many claim that their wealth, the development of their banking system, and their power came from this very relic.


The piece was thought to be lost to history until 1985 when it surfaced again, this time shockingly enough in the lower northeast corner of Canada. It was found by the widow of a man known to locals as a bit of an eccentric, a man named Geoffrey Gauthier. Mr. Gauthier was a man of few words, but many actions. Stories of his odd behavior range far and wide in this area of the world. The facts are that Mr. Gauthier was absurdly wealthy, dying with an estate worth over $240 million dollars.

The goblet was sold by Gauthier's widow's handler as part of a large estate sale in spring of 1986, where it was acquired by a close friend of my Coven's initial founder. She kept the goblet as a prized possession, spending countless hundreds of hours studying it's metaphysical properties, and sharing it with others to try to document it's history.

There are, without doubt, questions that can be presented about the lineage and history of this piece. I share with you only what I have been told by people far more well versed in these matters than I.

The metaphysical properties of the goblet are sensational. Whomever possesses the goblet is believed to (and documented in many cases) to be able to will their desires in to existence through simple thought/focus practices. Think of it like "day dreaming". For many that was wealth. Most desire to have a huge abundance of money at their dispsoal, and it's hard to argue with that desire and logic.

The goblet has shown it's ability to provide peace, happiness, long, prosperous lives free of any disease, illness, or worse, where it's possessor lives in the utmost of abundance and joy.


Frequently Asked Questions:

My professional and personal promise to you:

I pride myself upon being an honest, caring seller that you can trust, swimming in a sea of uncertainty found on the internet. Many, many fraudulent sellers will take advantage of you. I, quite simply put, am not one of them. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please send me a message right away and I will answer it. I promise to work with you to resolve any issues you may have until you are completely satisfied. Customer service is my number one priority, period! I truly care about every single one of my clients. Upon the purchase of any one of my items, you will not only receive a great treasure with true powers and energies, but you will also gain a friend who will be happy to help you with any of your concerns to the best of my abilities.

What happens when I buy something?

Whether your purchase a spell casting, relic, or coven blessed item, I will take the initiative to contact you by using the email address that is provided with your payment. You can feel free to contact us at any time if you wish!

I will have questions for you, most specifically if you purchase a spell casting. I will want to understand your situation. I am equal parts service provider, and friend/confidant. I want to learn of your plight, desires, and implement my talents in the most precise manor possible to give you real world, life changing results.

Is Magick really REAL? How does it work?

That's a really good question, and one that may have a number of different answers, depending on which people you ask. First, there are many different types of magic - Natural magic, practical magic, high magic, white light magic, ceremonial magic, and each is a little bit varied from the others. Even when it comes to spell work, you'll find a number of opinions on the hows and whys of the process.

In natural magic, there is a theory that many natural objects - Roots, rocks, minerals, animal bones, hair, etc. have a connection within them to some part of the human experience. For example, a rose quartz is linked with love and matters of the heart, a piece of oak would take on the attributes of strength and sturdiness, and a sprig of sage is connected to wisdom and purification. In this form of magic, also called sympathetic magic, the link between items and their magical symbolism is referred to as The Doctrine of Signatures. Spellwork in natural magic is often carried out with no prayer or invocation to deities or gods. It is simply the natural attributes of the items involved in the spell that make the magic happen.

In some traditions of Wicca and Paganism, magic is the realm of the Divine. A practitioner may call upon his or her gods for intervention and assistance, this is what I have perfected to a master level over these last 26 years. For example, someone doing a spell working to repair their damaged love life might call upon Aphrodite for aid. A person moving into a new home could invoke Brighid, or Freyja as goddesses of hearth and home, as part of a ritual. With the creation of blessed items, relics, etc. the process is very much the same. We create dynamic energies that will have a true, tangible impact on your life by carefully identifying the proper course of energy manipulation, and confinement.

The pulsations of energy that exist all around us, but are not visible to the human eye, can be harnessed and projected in to a "mold" for specific designed uses - The physical body, the spirit, the mind, intelligence, bending of karma, fate, and "luck" as it's called. It is a very difficult practice that only a handful of REAL practitioners on the planet, myself included, can achieve.

Spell Work, Rituals, and Conjuring:

My Book of Shadows contains 4,776 rituals to help you conquer any situation or troubled time you may be going through. It is my absolute pleasure to offer to you many, many different rituals and services. While I cannot do so due to their rules/restrictions, I do offer my spell casting services elsewhere. If you're curious about that I encourage you to write to me directly, and I'll gladly point you in the direction of our other store. I am a fully licensed and certified Spell Worker and Reiki Master who practices only the most rare and ancient forms of True Magick. This includes White Magick, Grey Magick, Wicca, Chakra Healing, Reiki, Voodoo, Divination, and Eastern European Witch Craft.

Money Back Guarantee:

We are proud, honest, upstanding professionals. We are always happy to accept returns if need be. If you have purchased a physical item from us, our refund policy is 30 days from the day you received the item, full refund, buyer pays return shipment. For all spell work our refund policy is 60 days from the date the spell was cast. Full refund will be issued within that 60 days if you're not satisfied with the results you've experienced.

What is a "Haunted" or "Paranormal" Item?

By basic definition, a Haunted, Paranormal or Metaphysical item is an object that contains within it's vessel (size/shape/depth/dimension) a Spirit of some kind: An Angel, Djinn, Ghost, Apparition, Spirit, Genie, Demon, Creature, et al. that dwells and exists within the item. There are two classifications of Haunted: The first being an entity that "haunts" the item because they are emotionally attached to the vessel and cannot let go of their own volition. This scenario, which is very commonplace, is often the first thing that folks think of when entertaining thoughts of The Paranormal. Most commonly this is referred to as "Haunted".

The 2nd classification is when a spirit possesses, willingly, an item because they have the divine power to change/alter our reality by transmitting their energies through the item. This class of Paranormal Items is always the more Powerful and the more Rare. My collection is, roughly, 95% made up of Classification 2 Items.

Why am I selling such items? Why wouldn't I just keep them for myself and reap the benefits?

The acceptance of, and transference of haunted, paranormal, spell blessed, and/or ancient items is what keeps white light energy vibrantly existing around us all. There have been many, many times where I have loved spirits so deeply that it hurts to let them go, but I am here to help those who do not have the resources, time, money and opportunity to find these rare items. I am personally deeply blessed with health, financial means, a loving, supportive family, and an amazing coven. For me to keep an item like this would simply be out of greed. I am a very strong believer in karma, for me to keep items of this power any longer I would be taking something away from the people that really need it. That is not my way, doing such things would do against my nature. That is why I sell these items. Giving people a chance to own items that will bring them such amazing abilities and powers is my calling. No matter how much an item brings, I must let it go.

Laws require me to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the United States to purchase such services. Those under the age of 18 are not permitted to make a purchase. Any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by United States Law. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer, you are opting into this spiritual pact knowingly, and willingly. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world are in no way the responsibility of the spell caster. You agree to these terms by purchasing my service.