Our 100% organic cloves are derived from the flower buds of the clove tree, which originates in India. Cloves are essential in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking and are the main component of Garam Masala. With a warm and slightly sweet aroma, cloves are often added to perfumes and used as an essential oil. A common ingredient in desserts and beverages, they are used to flavor soups, stews, and meat and rice dishes.

Recipe to Try:

For a cozy cup of cinnamon clove coffee, combine 3 cups of instant or freshly brewed coffee, a cinnamon stick, 5 cloves, and a tablespoon of honey in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer on low for 10 minutes for a richer flavor. Add milk if desired. Remove cinnamon and cloves, pour into cups, and serve.

Key Features:

         Cloves contain minerals, vitamins, and fiber, it can be used as whole or in ground form to add flavor to the food for important nutrients.

         Simmer whole cloves in a hot water for about 10-15 minutes to make a relaxing cup of clove tea.

         Great for adding a fresh, pungent, and distinctive flavor of cloves into pickles, brines, basmati rice, recipes like soups, chai, and curries.


Grind our organic cloves to a fine powder or use whole in dishes while cooking and remove before serving.