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The Magna Mater

The Mountain Mother

Immortal Prophet Goddess

Protective Guardian Spirit


Miraculous Healing




Kybele's cult is most ancient religion on Earth. A clay statue, excavated at Catal Hawk, now in modern Turkey, dated from between six to eight thousand years old, depicts a woman flanked by leopards. Although no name plate was attached, it is recognizably an image of Kybele.

Ancient Anatolians called her the Mountain Mother; the Romans called her Magna Mater or Great Mother. The Hittites called her Kubaba, which evolved into the Phrygian Kybele and eventually the Roman Cybele.

Kybele is usually translated as Cave, Place of Caves, or Cave Dweller. Kybele is associated with caves and prophecy.

Earth's oldest surviving goddess was once a forest witch. Legend has it that Kybele was an unwanted child, left exposed in the wilderness. Instead of consuming her, the leopards and lions, who discovered her, raised and nurtured her, and a leopard served as her wet-nurse. Living alone with animals Kybele became a witch so powerful she evolved into an immortal goddess.

Kybele is a deity of healing, witchcraft, fertility, women and children. Like Isis, Kybele is a prototypical holy mother who must save and protect her divine child so that he survives to mature into his full power. She is extremely sympathetic to women and children who must be protected from other family members.

Her Rites were held in forests and caves and included ritual possession, ecstatic dancing, intoxication, music and sacred sex.

Kybele is the inventor of dancing.

Her religion was brutally suppressed. In 397 CE, Saint John Chrysostom led what would today be described as a "death squad" through Phrygia targeting devotees of Kybele. Emperor Justinian (c. 483-565) despised Kybele and ordered her remaining temples torn down and her priestesses and galli murdered. Her sacred texts were burned. Although her veneration was widespread, none of Kybele's temples remain. Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican was built directly over her temple.

Kybele was beloved for millennia and continues to be. In one form or another, her veneration may have lasted longer than any other deity on Earth. She remains a favorite of independent practitioners and serves as a protective guardian spirit. Kybele is revered for her power to provide miraculous healing and fertility.

Her favored people are midwives, healers, diviners, fortune tellers, crystal gazers, those who work with or on behalf of big cats; she is especially devoted to women and children. Historically, the bulk of her devotees were women and her most exclusive mysteries are reserved for women only.

Kybele presides over Mystery Traditions and may be invoked to reveal secrets of the Earth. She is a Great Goddess of virtually unlimited powers who may be invoked for all needs.

Kybele appears as a beautiful, sexy, regal woman and as a crowned mature beautiful woman with lion cubs. Sometimes she hugs them in her arms. She may seat on her throne surrounded by lions, with a lion cub in her lap. Kybele wears a crown in the form of crenellated towers. She holds a pan of water intended as a divination device representing her prophetic ability and her willingness to bestow this skill to others.


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