Manusyaloka, Map of the World of Man, According to Jain Cosmological Traditions - Art Print

Titled Manusyaloka ('map of the world of man'), this artwork shows the world according to the cosmological traditions of Jainism, an ancient religion of India. Human couples are seen in pavilions at different levels, with rivers and world-girdling oceans (blue rings) separating them. The central continent (Jambudvipa, the island of the rose apple tree) has rivers and six mighty mountains (rows with triangles), with Mount Meru at centre (yellow circle). This artwork, from western Rajasthan, India, is gouache (a type of paint) on cloth, and dates from the 1890s.1890/Unknown Place

The source of these posters is an archive of 15,000 vintage images along with the historical information on each. All files are stored digitally and are ready for reproduction in a variety of sizes and the quality is closely monitored to ensure satisfactory results.