Anley 4 Feet & 5 Feet Telescopic Handheld Flagpoles, Portable Staff with Clips - Lightweight Extendable Stainless Steel with Anti-Slip Grip - Collapsable Flag Pole for Tour Guides & Pointer for Teachers

Our handheld flagpole is lightweight and retractable, making it easy to handle, store and carry. Perfect for long-term stationary use, or for displaying your flag proudly on-the-go or at th e beach!
Unlike other flagpoles, the Telescop ic Handheld Flagpole is made with a durable stainless-steel body, and is crafted with precision mechanics to ensure long-term quality without the risk of degradation!
Unlike other sellers, there’s no need t o buy zip ties because we include specialized clips manufactured specially for your new flagpole!
Each Telescopic Handheld Flagpol e is equipped with an textured rubber grip making it easy and comfortable to handle when wet or dry!
We stand behind our prod ucts ! All flags and items sold by ANLEY come with 3-MONTH FREE replacement warranty. Feel free to contact us!