Greg Darnall German Silver Engraved Diamonds with Synthetic Rubies Western Iron Oxbow Stirrups

 Attention show exhibitors!  This is a lovely collectible pair of beautifully engraved new Greg Darnall German Silver Oxbow style black steel stirrups.   The stirrups feature German Silver engraved diamonds mounted with synthetic rubies at the centers and berry studs along the edges.

The engraving is beautiful on these Oxbow stirrups which are rounded, snug-fitting stirrups that are designed so that the arch of the rider's foot sits across the base of the stirrup.  The name comes from the stirrup's resemblance to the U-shaped oxbows that were used as the collar for actual oxen when they were attached to a yoke.  The Oxbow quickly became popular with rough-string riders because it was easier to hold on a pitching horse.  There is leather mounted at the tops and across the treads.  This is a heavy pair of black steel stirrups with lots of balance and feel that measure 1-1/2 inches wide with a 6 inch wide span across.   These will rust, for that punchy look.  What most people like about these is if, and when, your foot comes off that stirrup, the weight helps it to stay right there.  Lots of people who start colts ride these.  The only bad thing about steel stirrups is when you pull a saddle off on a cold morning and one of these hits you in the shin, you may say words you don't want your mother to hear!

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