Jade, or in Chinese "jade" is also called "Ishida soup." Come in green and white, black, gray, orange, yellow and purple hues are many subtle shades of jade is prized in China for thousands of years to protect their power and need healing quality gems. It is also said to stimulate creativity and mental agility, and improve a person's health.
Product Details
Shape / Type: Dragon pendant / charm / necklace
Material / Gem: Jade / Jade
This is the natural jade dragon pendant, size 45 * 45
Standard international shipping (10-18 days for delivery)
Class / Type: 100% A grade / A type / A level
Refractive index: 1.66 to 1.67
Specific gravity: 3.33 to 3.34
Emerald colors: white,
Weight (g / ct): ~ ~ 19.14 g / 95.7 kt