My Original Design Printed on Eco Friendly Canvas!
Beautiful Watercolor of a Lighthouse Standing Tall on Lake Michigan Shores!

Every print in a black pinewood frame will look sleek and beautiful in any interior. Printed on cotton-polyester canvas with a special proprietary coating to make sure your prints stay vibrant for ages. An excellent product if you're environmentally conscious. Made from sustainably sourced materials (Forest Stewardship Council certified). Choose between multiple sizes for different types of prints. The sawtooth hanging hardware is already attached.

NB! Due to the production process of the canvases, please allow for slight size deviations with a tolerance +/- 1/8" (3.2mm).

.: Cotton and polyester canvas composite with a special proprietary coating
.: Black pinewood frame
.: Made from sustainably sourced materials
.: Multiple sizes to choose from
.: Sawtooth hanging hardware included

  12" x 9" (Horizontal)
Canvas width, in 12.01
Canvas height, in 9.02
Canvas depth, in 1.25
Frame depth, in 1.75