Why choose Andropogon virginicus?
Drought-tolerant: This hardy grass is a perfect choice for water-conserving landscapes and xeriscaping as it can withstand dry conditions.
Wildlife-friendly: The seed heads provide a source of food for birds and its dense clumps offer shelter to a variety of small animals and insects.
Low maintenance: No need for intensive care. Andropogon virginicus thrives with little intervention and is not generally affected by pests or diseases.
Versatile: This grass serves as an excellent choice for erosion control, as a border plant, or as a part of a native plant garden, bringing a lovely vertical element to your design.
All our starter plugs are carefully grown and nurtured to give you the best quality plants for your garden. These plugs can be easily planted directly into the ground and will grow vigorously to fill your garden with lush greenery.
With Andropogon virginicus, you're not just planting grass; you're inviting wildlife, supporting biodiversity, and creating a slice of authentic American prairie in your own backyard.