Welcome to the Mystic Lunar Coven. One of the world's most tenured and celebrated groupings of authentic practitioners of magick!

Being offered today is a 100% proven, time tested, and guaranteed white light magick spell casting that will finally unlock your ability to orgasm, have more frequent orgasms, and even become multi-orgasmic.

What your are viewing is a 4X quadruple spell casting, 4X the power of a common casting!

A fulfilled, satisfied, and expansive sexual world is one of the most important aspects of our lives. We live every day in a judgmental society. Sexual satisfaction is seldom talked about, but constantly thought about within our own minds, is it not? It's okay, nobody can hear you thinking right now. You're safe. How often do you think of blissful, amazing sex?

For Women especially - We are givers, we are care takers, and we often take "the back seat" in aspects of life. Sex is no different when it pertains to we Women seemingly always coming in second. That's not right, and it's absolutely no necessary.

It is shocking to me how many Women go through their lives trying to suppress their basic, animalistic instincts. After all, that is what we are, My Loves. We are carnal, instinctive animals. Sexual satisfaction, or complete lack of sexual satisfaction effects us in countless ways daily. Your life is simply for fulfilling, more vibrant, more enjoyable if you regularly pleasure yourself, and experience pleasure with another, or others, on a regular basis. Your body is your temple - Would you let your temple go day after day in the sun without occasionally taking care of it, cleaning it, and taking pride in it? No, you wouldn't - So why go through life having mediocre, unfulfilled sexual needs, and wants? It does not have to be this way.

The female release, the female orgasm eludes up to 71% of Women based on various scientific studies. If you have never had a real orgasm, used to have them, but don't have them any more, or if you can only have them "manually", but not with your partner - Than you are not experiencing sexual satisfaction the way it was meant to be felt by us all. It's a glorious, liberating experience that will pour over in to other parts of your life.

Women that orgasm regularly are more confident, poised, report being happier, do not suffer from anxiety or depression, have lower levels of daily stress, and are overall more satisfied, clear eyed, and forward moving and thinking Women. They live a powerful, charismatic life with their own needs satisfied, not the other way around. If this is you, why go on like this any further?

This beautiful white light ritual is simplistic, 100% organic and safe, and within as little as one day, will cause your mind, spirit, and body to fall in to perfect symmetry, bringing you the beautiful releases you deserve. All of my rituals are 100% guaranteed to work, or you simply get every penny of your money back. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Unleash The Goddess that lies within. It's there. Let her free with my help. Please feel free to ask any and all questions you may have by sending me an email, I have happy to answer any questions.

We back all of our work with a no questions asked, no hassle money back guarantee. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or wish to discuss this ritual with us. We're most happy to lend an ear, help you out, and give you non-biased advice on how to proceed!

I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are a gathering of professional spell casters, psychic mediums, alchemists, magickal practitioners, and collectors of advanced, and elite paranormal curiosities. Our work, on your behalf, is 100% guaranteed.

Every stage of our life brings new challenges and new opportunities. While any new development in your life requires discipline and commitment on your part, our spells can help you move toward your goals.

We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies to produce your desires.

I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Wicca magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future.

If you want to manifest something into ordinary reality, you start by stimulating the quantum realm to favor that potentiality with the help of an experienced, well-traveled practitioner of magickal theory. All of us are basically big balls of energy. Now, we are effected all day, every day by constantly changing energies, they shift, they move, they arrive, and they depart. Essentially what I do as a professional is enter your spirit's "chamber" where the energies are kept, otherwise commonly known as your aura. I hold a ritual, which is a seance, chant, prayer, and often ritualistic actions on my end (candles, herbs, so on so forth) while "in" your aura. The ritual nudges the energies within to produce a result.

You are reading this for a reason. You found me for a reason. If you have any questions at all please never hesitate to contact me, and within 24-48 hours I will write back to you. I am eager to learn about your desires, and show you the power of REAL, AUTHENTIC Magick!

** You are purchasing an all inclusive spell casting service. Your results will be digitally delivered to you via email. I will email you upon purchase so that we can discuss your desires for the spell work. **

Upon your purchase you'll be contact directly so that we can begin to discuss your situation, and your desires. Each, and every spell that we cast is 100% customized to meet our client's unique, specific desires. I will ask you to share with me some basic information (your name, and astrology sign). Beyond that, anything that you wish to share, or discuss with me is entirely up to you. I hold your privacy to the utmost level of importance. ANYTHING discussed between you, and I will be kept between you and I. I take your privacy VERY seriously.

Lastly, a few quick notes:

You are purchasing a spell casting service. Nothing is going to be sent to you in the mail. All correspondence will take place through Bonanza messenger or email, whichever you prefer. I will guide you through this process. I will inform you when your spell has been cast, what the actual ritual entailed, and why, how I feel about it, how well everything went, what I feel you should expect moving forward, and more. I will never leave you in the dark during this process. I am very communicative, and thorough.

As a legal disclaimer I am forced to state that services rendered are intended only for those that are 18 years old, or older, and that you are purchasing at your own risk. Any form of metaphysical work, spell castings, prayer, or psychic service is considered for "entertainment purposes" only. All sales are final. The seller will not, and cannot not be held responsible for misuse of the service rendered and does not guarantee any activity, occurrences or experiences, paranormal or otherwise, that may or may not occur in association within. No service rendered by this seller may be used in place of any form of necessary professional care. Purchasing this service constitutes your understanding and agreement to these terms.