Organic Non-GMO Heirloom Chilli Hot Japanese-Santaka Pepper Seeds by Inherited Seeds

Product Description:

Experience the fiery delight of Organic Non-GMO Heirloom Chilli Hot Japanese-Santaka Pepper Seeds by Inherited Seeds! Elevate your garden with this rare and iconic pepper variety that carries a rich history dating back to 1955.

About Inherited Seeds:

Inherited Seeds, a trusted name in organic gardening, proudly presents these premium heirloom pepper seeds. Our commitment to quality ensures you're planting the finest, organic, and non-GMO seeds available.

Unearth the Legacy:

The Hot Japanese-Santaka pepper, also known as the 'Asian Hot' pepper, originates from Japan and is cherished for its exceptional spiciness. These heirloom seeds are a testament to the pepper's rich heritage, and their 1955 release date adds a touch of nostalgia to your garden.

Organic and Non-GMO Assurance:

Inherited Seeds' Organic Non-GMO Heirloom Chilli Hot Japanese-Santaka Pepper Seeds are the ideal choice for eco-conscious gardeners. You can cultivate these peppers with confidence, knowing they are free from synthetic pesticides and genetic modification.

Vibrant and Vigorous Growth:

These organic pepper seeds yield robust plants that produce uniform, cone-shaped peppers, measuring approximately two inches in length and up to an inch in width. The fruits transition from green to a brilliant red at harvest, creating a stunning visual display in your garden.

Abundant Harvest Awaits:

With our heirloom seeds, you can anticipate a bountiful yield of these spicy delights. They're perfect for adding a punch of heat to your favorite dishes or creating homemade salsas and sauces that burst with flavor.

Versatile Culinary Possibilities:

The Organic Non-GMO Heirloom Chilli Hot Japanese-Santaka Pepper is a star in Asian cuisine. It's a favorite in Chinese, Japanese, and Southeast Asian dishes, and it pairs beautifully with cilantro, garlic, basil, and lemongrass in Thai curries. These peppers are also fantastic for making rich peanut sauces and adding spice to stir-fries.

Embrace the past and savor the present with Inherited Seeds' Organic Non-GMO Heirloom Chilli Hot Japanese-Santaka Pepper Seeds. Grow your own piece of history and enjoy organic, non-GMO peppers bursting with spicy flavor. Order your seeds today and embark on a journey to spice up your garden and your culinary creations!

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Santaka pepper garden ; Ornamental Santaka pepper ; Santaka pepper harvesting ; Santaka pepper cultivation

Santaka pepper in Chinese cuisine ; Santaka pepper in Japanese dishes ; Santaka pepper flavor ; Santaka pepper heat index ; Santaka pepper substitutes ; Santaka pepper vs. Hontonka pepper ; Santaka pepper for spice lovers