Small green cactus with spots of purple.
Origin and Habitat: Opuntia elata is found in Argentina in Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Formosa, Córdoba and Santa Fe. It also occurs in Brazil in Rio Grande do Sul and in Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay. This species is common and abundant throughout its range.
Altitude range: It grows at elevations between 0 and 500 metres above sea level. 
Habitat and Ecology: This cactus occurs in forests and savannas of the Chaco region. It is favored by anthropogenic activities. It is grown for ornament in many tropical and sub-tropical countries and has there escaped from cultivation in gardens to roadsides, fences, waste grounds, disturbed areas (including trails) and riparian systems. It spreads both from seed and from the pads and is invasive in Australia ( New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia) and the Mediterranean region. Environmental impacts include loss of biodiversity and habitat change by competing with and replacing native vegetation, damage to environmentally sensitive areas, especially along water courses. Spines and glochids can cause injuries and serious skin irritation or even kill native animals. Clumps of Opuntia elata may also harbour foxes and rabbits.