Gen Teal is designed for fast, soothing relief from dry, irritated or itchy eyes. Easily relieve moderate eye discomfort and irritation from dry eye and allergies. The preservative-free formula is gentle on sensitive eyes and comes in single-use vials to avoid contamination. These drops provide lasting relief while protecting against further irritation. Gen Teal Tears delivers fast, soothing relief of your dry eye symptoms and acts as a protect ant against further irritation. With three formula strengths, there’s a Gen Teal Tears product right for a range of dry eye symptoms.

Moderate Dry Eye Symptom Relief
Sensitive Eye Formula: Preservative-Free formula is gentle on sensitive eyes.
Single-Use Convenience: Quick relief from moderate irritation and discomfort in single-use vials
Gentle Protection against further irritation.
Previously Tears Natural Free

REFRESH TEARS instantly moisturizes to provide immediate, soothing relief for dry, irritated eyes. It has many of the same healthy qualities as your own natural tears.