Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description:

★ Robusta Gold: Full-bodied yet the blend is smooth. Aromatic, earthy and smoky with a hint of pepper and chocolate undertone.

Serving suggestion

To prepare one cup of coffee, take 1 table spoon of Excelso ground Coffee (7-8 g) and put in a cup. Add 200 ml of hot water (80°C) and stir well. Optimal brewing time is 4 to 5 minutes.

Storage Instruction

To preserve the coffee flavor and freshness of aroma, store your Excelso Coffee in an airtight canister (ceramic is best) or a vacuum canister and put it in a cool, dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight. 


Excelso is tight in an airtight bag with an aroma locker that guarantees freshness by releasing excess air.