Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description:

★ Kalosi is the small town in central Sulawesi, which serves as the collection point for the coffee, and the Kalosi name has traditionally been used to signify the origin.

Sulawesi coffees are clean and sound in the cup. They generally display nutty or warm spice notes, like cinnamon or cardamom. Hints of black pepper are sometimes found. Their sweetness, as with most Indonesian coffees, is closely related to the body of the coffee. The after-taste coats the palate on the finish and is smooth and soft.

★ A full bodied, deep, earthy blend tinged with spice and burnt sienna, leaving a pleasant citrus after taste

Serving suggestion

To prepare one cup of coffee, take 1 table spoon of Excelso ground Coffee (7-8 g) and put in a cup. Add 200 ml of hot water (80°C) and stir well. Optimal brewing time is 4 to 5 minutes.

Storage Instruction

To preserve the coffee flavor and freshness of aroma, store your Excelso Coffee in an airtight canister (ceramic is best) or a vacuum canister and put it in a cool, dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight. 


Excelso is tight in an airtight bag with an aroma locker that guarantees freshness by releasing excess air.