Grow a variety of nutrient-rich and flavorful microgreens in your own home with our Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli Microgreen Seed Blend.

This non-GMO, heirloom seed blend is grown using sustainable methods to ensure the best quality product.

With a typical grow time of 7-14 days, you can enjoy fresh microgreens in no time.

This blend includes a variety of greens such as kale, cabbage, and broccoli.

These microgreens are packed with vitamins and minerals, perfect for adding to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies for a boost of flavor and nutrition.

At Back To Nature, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality seeds by offering organic, non-GMO, and heirloom seeds all sustainably harvested.

You can trust that our seeds are grown with care and will have exceptional germination rates for a successful harvest.

Order your Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli Microgreen Seed Blend today and start enjoying a variety of nutrient-rich greens in your own home in just 7-14 days.