Delonix regia 'Flavida,' commonly known as Yellow Flamboyant or Golden Poinciana, is a stunning flowering tree that belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is a unique variety of the Flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) with beautiful golden-yellow flowers.

The Yellow Flamboyant tree shares many characteristics with its more common relative, the Royal Poinciana. It is a deciduous tree that can reach heights of up to 40 feet (12 meters) with a spreading canopy. The tree features fern-like foliage with delicate, feathery leaves that provide dappled shade.

What sets the Yellow Flamboyant apart is its spectacular display of large, vibrant yellow flowers. These blossoms appear in clusters during the spring and summer months, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The flowers have distinct yellow petals and a prominent red center, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

The Yellow Flamboyant tree requires a warm and tropical climate to thrive. It prefers full sun exposure and well-draining soil. Regular watering is essential, especially during dry periods. The tree is generally low-maintenance and can withstand some drought conditions once established.

Interesting Fact: The Golden Poinciana is considered a rare variety of the Flamboyant tree, and its stunning yellow flowers are a sight to behold. It adds a unique touch of tropical beauty to any landscape.

In conclusion, the Delonix regia 'Flavida' or Yellow Flamboyant is a magnificent tree known for its striking golden-yellow flowers. Its graceful form and vibrant blossoms make it a standout specimen in gardens and parks. Whether you admire it for its visual appeal or its ability to attract pollinators, the Yellow Flamboyant is sure to bring joy and beauty to any outdoor space.