I am eager to bring you my unique set of four protection stones. Each hand-selected piece in the ensemble carries specific properties related to healing. They serve as powerful protection crystals that safeguard against negative energies. The selection includes Black Tourmaline, renowned for its grounding and protection spell capabilities. Black Onyx excels in aiding communication and social skills thus promoting co-operation. 

Black Obsidian, on the other hand, infuses adaptability and helps reduce fear, making it a pertinent stone for energy protection and aura protection. Hematite, with its metallic black color, is revered for its equally powerful protection and grounding capabilities. These stones aren't just ornamental; they provide EMF protection, crucial in this digital age filled with electromagnetic frequencies. 

They also work as healing crystals for home protection, bringing spiritual protection that shields from negativity and provides protection from evil. Integrate them within your living space for an amplified protective aura helping you preserve your peace. The use of these grounding crystals will guard your home, bringing about a sense of comfort and security. Each crystal serves as a silent keeper, providing protective energies to enhance your overall wellbeing. All this while complementing your decor with their sleek, dark aesthetic designs, elevating your space's charm.

What you will receive:

- 4 tumbled healing crystals

- Box with label

- Instruction card

The instruction card includes pictures of each crystal, a description of the healing properties of each crystal, cleansing instructions, energizing instructions, programming instructions, and instructions on how to use your crystal kit.

If you choose to purchase the adjoining spell with this crystal kit, each crystal will be infused with the power and energy of it. If you'd like additional information, please check this listing: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1470329342



Property Details


Black Tourmaline is considered by many to be the most powerful protective crystals and it is one of the only stones that protects and heals on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attacks, as well as aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or space. One of the best grounding stones, it balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras, and can be used as an aid to remove fear and boost self-confidence. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration, which will help to protect against electromagnetic "smog" (i.e. cell phones, computers, etc), radiation, noise sensitivity, and other such disturbances. Black Tourmaline has a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the Earth. Those who face challenges from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD can work with Black Tourmaline to help heal these issues. Physically, Black Tourmaline helps to strengthen the immune system, balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and detoxify the body. All forms and colors of Tourmaline generate a protective shield around our energetic body and is cleansing and balancing for the entire energetic system. Black Tourmaline, specifically, dispels, repels, and transmutes negativity of all forms. This includes stress and anxiety. It grounds out those energies into the Earth and increases personal vitality and optimism. 


A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx is associated with the Base Chakra and grounding in crystal healing. It aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, sadness, confusion, or grief. Black Onyx can be called upon to overcome fears, calm anxiety, banish grief, release pain from physical or emotional wounds, and to draw in positive energy. It has the ability to change and help get rid of any bad habits or addictions you may have, making it easier to overcome them. Also, it shields and protects the mind, body, and spirit from negative energies while reducing stress and calming fears, leaving you feeling much more safe, secure, and stable. Black Onyx can be used as an amulet of protection to keep senses keen and instincts sharp, or as a talisman of protection against nightmares and fears associated with the dark.


Black Obsidian is a formidable protection stone forged from molten lava that has been rapidly cooled. Because of this, it combines several raw and powerful elements such as fire, earth, and water. It is believed that Black Obsidian has supernatural and metaphysical protection, healing and cleansing properties, as well as strong psychic protection energy. By keeping you powerfully grounded to Mother Earth, Black Obsidian creates a safe space for you to work through emotional issues or strengthen your psyche. With a direct connection to the earth, we can rid ourselves of destructive or excess energies by focusing that energy down into the earth where it can be absorbed and neutralized. Also, it acts as a strong barrier against negativity and can cut through lies, blockages, unresolved relationships, and destructive habits. Additionally, Black Obsidian is great for empaths. If you need to shield yourself from negative people in your life, are being bullied, or sense unwanted emotions from others, Black Obsidian will cut the ties from this draining energy.


Hematite is a very protective stone that helps you stay grounded in many situations. It works with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. This powerful crystal absorbs and removes negativity, and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. It strengthens our connection with the earth, giving us the feeling of being safe and secure, and offers courage, strength, endurance, and vitality. Hematite also stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. This crystal can help you find your unique inner gifts and help release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control. Hematite uses the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body, which provides a stable equilibrium. It focuses on energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind, and spirit.



Each crystal measures between 1 inch to 1.5 inches in diameter. Please note that the photo is a sample. Please expect natural variations.


Intro: Hi there! I'm Melanie, owner of Melanie Metaphysical, and I've been in this business since I was a little girl. I can't express how much joy it brings me to be able to share that with others, so they don't have to find out by themselves like I had to! Sharing my knowledge, protecting the energy of those around me, enhancing people to become their true selves. It's the epitome of self care, self respect, confidence, positive thoughts, and being able to be yourself fully and without doubt. <3



Q: How long does it take to ship?

A: Within 1-3 business days.

Q: Will it arrive safely?

A: Absolutely! I take extra time and care to make sure all my items are packaged correctly and with protection. You'll receive double layered bubble wrap, filler to make sure nothing moves, and only the most quality of materials. 

Q: Do you do customs?

A: Sometimes! Please reach out to me with an idea of what you have and I'd be more than happy to see if I'd be able to do it for you.

Q: Are those your designs?

A: Yes <3

Q: Do you do special gift wrap, bows, etc?

A: I absolutely can~ Let me know what you're looking for and I'd be happy to put it together for you!

If you have any other questions, please let me know. x