EL MANDARIN Flan Pudding Powder Mix 5 Boxes 
(20 sachets x 4.8g each) 
El Mandarin pudding, is one of those products omnipresent in Portugal, it is an instant pudding used simply but above all used for a series of other recipes when you want a pudding or to replace eggs, being on the Portuguese market for more than 40 years

How to prepare:


• Mix the contents of 1 sachet with 3 tablespoons of sugar (50g).

• From ½ liter of milk, take a small amount to dissolve the mixture, put the rest on the heat.

• When the milk comes to a boil, add the dissolved mixture and let it boil for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

• Remove from the heat and pour into a previously caramelized form, let it cool and put it in the fridge.