CAPE DAISY aka White African Daisy is a easy to grow annual originally from Africa. Long Blooming and drought tolerant. They make great, long lasting cut flowers. The flowers are pure white with a purple center. They get about 10"-12" Tall x 10" wide. Great for borders, flower beds and containers. Thanks for looking. 200+Seeds per order.

Osteospermum eklonis.


Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 70F+.

SOW- 2/3 seeds per plant, 1/16" deep, about 12" apart. Keep moist.

Germination 10-21 Days.

Height 10-12" x 8-10" wide.

Thin to single best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.

Medium water until established, then light water. Deadhead flowers to extend blooming.

Flowers are white. Blooms from early summer through fall