Dianthus barbatus double mixed

Listing for 30 seeds

How to grow

Select a sheltered, sunny location in the garden that receives at least six hours of sun daily. When all chance of frost is past and the temperature has warmed to 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, prepare the flower bed for sowing.

Add 1 to 2 inches of fully decomposed compost to the garden bed. Dig into the soil, mixing thoroughly.

Rake the soil into a long row, 4 to 6 inches tall and 6 to 8 inches wide. Place a soaker hose next to the row.

Place a group of three to six dianthus seeds every six inches along the top of the mounded soil. Cover lightly with sand.

Water daily if necessary to keep the sand and soil moist until the sweet William seeds germinate.

Thin the seedlings to one plant every six inches. Snip the excess seedlings' stems with scissors to avoid disturbing the roots of the desired plant.


All seeds in my shop are from my organic garden here in Greece.

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* Germination rate depends on the country and the weather circumstances.