Goddess LAKHSMI Magick stylish Real Freshwater Pearl,  Rose Quartz Imbued With Financial Free Spells

This beautiful bracelet were blessed and consecrated for wealth and abundance a total of 12 times. The spirit of Goddess Lakshmi was invoked to draw money, wealth, prosperity directly into the hands of the person owning this bracelet.

Luxurious Life Bonus Spells as being cast onto this bracelet. 

Bracelet 6mm freshwater pearl, 15mm  Rose Quartz beads and one size heavy-duty clear nylon elastic stretch cord.

Goddess Laksmi has summoned you here at this precise moment in time to share her material blessings!

Do you live paycheck to paycheck?

Always worried about how you are going to make ends meet?

See things you want but can never find extra money to get them?

Wonder how others are able to enjoy the good life while you struggle?

Want to be able to live comfortably and help others in need? 

The Treasures, wealth and blessings of Goddess Lakshmi never run out. She has PLENTY to give. She is so loving and generous to those who respect her powers. By wearing this bracelet talisman, you are showing her that you do believe in her powers and you accept her gifts of wealth in every form.

She is never lacking in money and she wants you to have it!

She brings power when you feel weak

She bestows healing when you are sick

She delivers divine knowledge when you need it most!

Question: Does the magic work straight away?

It depends on you and where you are currently in your spiritual development. Since each person is an individual, it is difficult to give an exact time frame as to when you will experience full results.

The more you use the magick item, the stronger and quicker your results will be. You can also place item in between your palms and meditate with it and you can also put the item underneath your pillow at night and sleep.

Law requirement states that spells and paranormal objects are for entertainment purposes only and that I cannot take any responsibility for any activity that may or may not occur in association with this item. Blessed Be!!!!