Vintage 1971 "Scrabble" "Sentence Cube Game" 21 dice, Timer with Original Box.

The 1971 edition of "Scrabble" "Sentence Cube Game" is a vintage board game that includes 21 dice, a timer, and the original box. Here are some key features and details about this game:

  1. Gameplay: The "Scrabble" "Sentence Cube Game" is a word-building game where players use the dice to create sentences. Each die contains various letters, allowing players to form words and sentences by arranging the dice accordingly.

  2. Components: The game includes 21 dice with letters printed on each side. These dice are used to form words and sentences. Additionally, the game comes with a timer, which adds an element of speed and challenge to the gameplay. The original box is also included, providing storage and preserving the vintage appeal of the game.

  3. Classic Edition: The 1971 edition of the "Scrabble" "Sentence Cube Game" represents a classic version of the game, capturing the style and gameplay of the time. It offers a nostalgic gaming experience for collectors and enthusiasts.

  4. Educational Value: This game can be both entertaining and educational. It helps players enhance their vocabulary, spelling, and sentence-building skills as they construct meaningful sentences using the dice.

  5. Collectible Item: The vintage nature of the game, including its original box, adds to its collectible value. It is sought after by collectors and enthusiasts of vintage board games.

The 1971 "Scrabble" "Sentence Cube Game" with its 21 dice, timer, and original box provides a unique and nostalgic gaming experience. Whether you are a fan of word games, a collector of vintage board games, or simply looking for a classic game to enjoy with friends and family, this edition of "Scrabble" offers a delightful blend of challenge and fun.

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